Thursday, May 15, 2008

Welcome to Whoa Sick.

I often describe things I find that are interesting, exhilarating, pleasing, exciting, and ground-breaking with the exclamation "whoa, sick". What you will find here will hopefully bring out a similar reaction. If not, you are probably actually sick and should seek anti-biotics.

So to start things off right, here is my remix of Pase Rock's new single. "Lindsey Lohan's Revenge". It features Santogold and Spank Rock and contains my personal production.
Pase Rock ft Santogold & Spank Rock (Soundmen Remix) -

Some more sick hipster hop for those who haven't quite gotten up on this scene. Get put on.


The KNUX - Cappuccino

Now go put on the tight jeans, shutter shades, and your favorite starter jacket and enjoy the day.

Whoa, Sick.