Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Separated at birth by a SICK twist of fate?

That's right... In ferreting out the latest and greatest in hip-hop news, WhoaSickSouth has come upon a stunning rumor (actually, I just made it up, but who's counting?)-- Cpt. Jack Sparrow and Lil' Wayne were SEPARATED AT BIRTH.

Notice their shared penchant for red rags, tattoos and firearms. Notice, further, their quirky dispositions and their seemingly Xanax and Syzzurp induced-oddities... Then judge for yourself.

Whoa... SICK!


Anonymous said...

That's right... In ferreting out the latest and greatest in hip-hop news, WhoaSickSouth has come upon a stunning rumor (actually, I just made it up, but who's counting?)-- Cpt. Jack Sparrow and Lil' Wayne were SEPARATED AT BIRTH.

Notice their shared penchant for red rags, tattoos and firearms. Notice, further, their quirky dispositions and their seemingly Xanax and Syzzurp induced-oddities... Then judge for yourself.

Whoa... SICK!